I’m excited about this coupon for True Lemon Citrus Products – Save $1.00 off of any 2 products. We are big fish eaters in our home and I like to sprinkle lemon on the fish before I pop it in the oven and this will be perfect. Not a fish eater? Well here is a list of uses for True Products;
1) Drink more water (without changing your water into something sweetened)! Add a packet to a full glass or bottle (10 to 20 ounces) of cold water. (Like a stronger taste? Add two packets.) Who doesn’t need to drink more water?
2) Add to iced or hot teas.
3) Add to sparkling water or your favorite seltzer or soda* (10 to 20 ounces).
4) Add True Lemon to tuna fish.
5) Make flavored ice-cubes. Add True Lemon, True Lime or True Orange to water and then pour into ice cube trays for flavorful ice!
6) Sprinkle True Lemon on apples, avocados or any fruit to stop browning.
Can’t find the coupon for True Lemon? Zip 21617
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