My husband called me from work this morning just to say “hi!” After being cordial he started to tell me a story about opening a can of stain this morning and how it transformed him back to the days of working on his grandparents farm and staining the old wood on the barn. He spoke fondly of the memories and he said he then began to work and think about all of the other “smells” that can take you back to another place and time in the snap of a finger…… It’s true, our olfactory senses trigger memories good and bad but how many of us take time to experience life today?
We are a society that has become so busy that we forget to stop and smell the roses and how their sweet sent rejuvenates and refreshes us. Here are my 10 Reasons to STOP & Smell the Roses:1.Stop to experience everything from your kids to a bed of roses these experiences help us to remember that the experiences in life are what make us who we are – not the “things” in life, so that leaves people that stop to enjoy the experience feeling more fulfilled with life, less anxious and generally happier.
2. Smell the Roses – smells trigger emotions. Take a few minutes to think back on all of the smells that elicit beautiful emotions for you and surround yourself with those scents. Here are some things that take people back;
- the smell of cut grass
- essential oils
- the scent of freshly fallen rain
- roses
- flowers
- freshly grown herbs & spices like sage or mint
3. When you stop and experience life it’s much easier to remember to embrace gratitude and when you don’t it can sometimes lead to a feeling of entitlement. It’s kind of like the old saying “you didn’t know what you had until it was gone.” Don’t let that be you!
4. You’ll feel a sense of esteem and accomplishment – When we stop we become more aware of our feelings – good and bad. That leads us to make better decisions based on our wants and desires therefor causing a sense of higher self esteem with a sense of accomplishment because you’ll find yourself following your life’s mission
5. A Sense of Control – We can’t control the past, it’s over! We can’t control the future, it hasn’t come yet! But, we can control the present exact moment we are living in so living in the now and stopping to “smell the roses” and be present in the “now” leads to a feeling of more control over your life.
6. A feeling of abundance – As you stop to find gratitude you develop an inner sense of abundance from that deep gratitude. Abundance vibes attract more gratitude and abundance and your life has a snowball affect of good when you allow yourself to feel that gratitude and abundance every day.
7. You can start over – yesterday is gone and tomorrow is unknown. When you stop and smell the roses you’ll realize that you can start over with anything in your life’s journey. This is very powerful when you realize that you can start, stop or quit anything in this moment and this space and time.
8. You are Unlimited – We limit ourselves with our thoughts and actions and when we stop to smell the roses we can take a moment to realize that we are unlimited with unlimited potential and unleash massive greatness in our lives.
9. Improve Creativity – This that spend time on a daily basis living in the “now or “stopping to smell the roses” feel an increases sense of creativity as thoughts and ideas flow to them. Write them down – you can act of them later but stopping to enjoy the moment and reflecting on yourself in that moment allows all things creative to flow to you. Say good bye to resistance!
10. Improved Social Skills – Those that are present in a moment like a conversation or play time with their child show better social skills than those that worry too much or are always thinking of what needs to be done next. Live in the moment of play, conversation or whatever life brings you!
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