Would you like a FREE $25.00 Credit to Eversave (you have to sign up with them 1st but its completely FREE) and what about coupons? Anyone need more coupons? We want you live a better life, have more fun, save more and do more! Couponing and frugal living is about having more fun (not less) because you’ll have more money to spend when you aren’t giving it all away at your local grocery store! Here is what you need to do….
Anytime between NOW and 9:30pm Eastern Time today, upload a photo of you (or the cutest member of your family) with your stockpile of goodies that you’ve accumulated with your latest shopping trip and brag about your shopping trip and how Family Frugal Fun has helped you save BIG! 1st Place gets a FREE $25.00 credit to Eversave….. A handful of other winners (picked by my kids) will win coupons! Have fun!
Keep Couponing~Its amazing how it will change your life!
The contest picture isn’t based on how small or large of a stockpile you have – The photo is just for fun!