There are a few things you’ll want to remember when saving all you can using coupons;
1) Coupons sometimes have a print campaign. That means a website may have it pre-programmed to only allow x number of coupons to print. If you reach the link once the campaign (print limit) is over – Well… its over. Sometimes a coupon will “reset” meaning allow more prints another day or week.
2) If a local coupon comes to your home in the mail, don’t be afraid to head to the post office and dig through the clean post office trash and get some more. When people check their post office boxes they frequently throw away what they consider “junk” mail. That means more for you and your family!
3) Swap coupons with friends and neighbors or swap at your local church/synagogue or weekly meetings. Start a “coupon bin” and post a bulletin.
To scan for the latest coupons click here.
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