Happy Sunday everyone! Today you should have received 1 Smart Source (SS) insert and 1 Red Plum (RP) insert. In addition to those 2 coupon inserts you should have received a coupon in your Sunday Parade Magazine. This magazine is sometimes called other names in other newspapers. Here are the highlights;
Smart Source (SS) Insert:
$1.00 off Dole Salad Blend (nice coupon – hard to find vegetable coupons)
50¢ and another 75¢ of of Franks Red Hot Sauce – this runs about $1.00 to $1.39 at stores like ACME, SuperFresh and Safeway so $FREE to 39¢ with double coupons.
$1.00 off Ronzoni Garden Delight Pasta – Wait for this to go on sale for $1.00 and get is FREE! Coupon doesn’t expire until September 10th so plenty of time to wait for a freebie!
$1.00 off Pert Plus 3-1 or 2-1 product – No trial size restrictions on this coupon. This should be FREE for the trial size at Walmart, CVS etc. Remember its better to grab a freebie then get a buck off $2.50 or $3.50. Get the freebie (as many as you can with your coupons) and then use those and wait until you can pick up another shampoo/conditioner freebie next time around.
Red Plum (RP) Insert:
75¢ off Sensodyne Toothpaste or Foaming Gel – One reader said she took this coupon to her local ACME and picked up a trial size for $1.50 for FREE because her coupon was doubled.
$3.00 off Nivea Happy Sensations Lotion – This is a nice high value coupon. I’ll likely wait for a buy 1 get 1 FREE sale and pick this up for FREE.
Check out the Red Cross Rebate by Johnson and Johnson in the Red Plum. Its a pretty nice offer.
Buy 1 get 1 FREE Gillette Deodorant
$2.00 off Gillette Body Wash
$2.00 off Surf Laundry Detergent
50¢ off Lawry’s Marinade (some areas may have received $1.00 off 2)
55¢ Ocean Blueberry Drink by Ocean Spray
$10.00 on 2 Centrum – Nice high value!
Sunday Parade Magazine:
Look for a FREE frozen strawberry lemonade coupon good at McDonalds and $1.00 off coupon for any Frappe or Real Fruit Smoothie – Great for the warm weather!
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