Hello there! While you’re figuring out where to go and what to do this weekend (I just posted What Happening!) I’m figuring out where to find the best bargains! Ha ha! This is my exclusive Sunday Coupon Preview and then I’ll offer an updated sneak peak on Saturday (or Maggie will….). I’m excited to get some new inserts this week – we’re getting a General Mills insert this Sunday and I’m jumping up and down! Yahoo! Be sure to check your paper for all inserts before purchasing – Red Plum, Smart Source, & General Mills! Some readers have gotten burned and purchased papers with no inserts (stolen inserts) – don’t let that happen to you!
When I post the updated Sunday Coupon preview on Saturday (or Maggie posts it) its a guide to what you can expect. Some areas receive different values – some higher, some lower, and some coupons are regional all together! (means not all areas in the U.S, received that particular coupon.) Don’t worry – there will be another deal and another coupon next week! LOL!
If you find a particular coupon and you’d like more of them or you didn’t receive that coupon you can buy coupons (very inexpensively and completely clipped I might add!) Click here
If you are totally new to couponing and to this site – welcome! Maggie and I have been best friends since age 12 and do our best to bring the latest-greatest deals to you! We get excited about couponing and saving money and running this blog because we’ve seen couponing change many lives, pay many mortgages and feed many children! If you find a deal we welcome you to post it on Facebook or pop over an e-mail so we can try and turn it into a post for everyone. You won’t see me as much as Maggie because I’m much more shy about public speaking. Poor Maggie is “deprived of adult company” as she calls it (she’s a stay at home mom of 4 kids) and is happy to get out to do seminars, record a video or just talk to strangers in the aisles of the grocery store! Its fun to shop with her sometimes!
Fo you newbies…. A seminar to learn the ropes of the frugal world really is the best way to go! Check out the upcoming seminars on our Facebook wall in the left side bar under events. Just $12.00 per person (unless otherwise noted by the venue) although I think some days Maggie’s willing to pay you to get out of the house (ok – just kidding!)
Keep couponing~Its going to change your life!
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