Coupons are always changing and new systems are implemented. Just a little over a year ago you could print out Target Store Coupons right from the Target kiosk inside the store, and you could print an unlimited number of them. Safeway appears to be changing their system as well. A consumer used to be able to stack a Safeway Store Coupon with a manufacturer coupon on top of an E-coupon loaded from Shortcuts or Cellfire to double and triple the savings. Safeway is now moving to a different system and it looks like they are phasing out triple stacking. I’m going to call corporate Safeway on Monday and get a post up explaining the new system.
Whatever the case, coupons are here to stay. They are a great way to save money and try new products for pennies. I’ll keep you readers up to date as information becomes available. Please let me know if a new system is being used in a store where you shop. Together, we can all save money for the joys in life – family and fun!
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