Have you ever had your kids invited to a child’s birthday party and wondered, “What am I going to buy?” Well I want to tell you a really frugal gift idea that my kids just LOVE! Sea Monkeys
Sea Monkeys are cheap and they’re fun! Its just brine shrimp really. You just add water, add the mix of brine shrimp and then several days later you have the little swimmers and kids just love them. You can find these Sea Monkeys for kids for right around $10 bucks and its fun for all ages! I gave my kids Sea Monkey for Christmas this year and they just think they are neatest thing. Its been a great educational learning experience too. Consider keeping some frugal gifts around so you are stuck having to rush around and buy a gift when your kids are invited to a birthday party. It’ll save you time and money.
Do you like living a frugal life? Check out my latest video on reusing containers.
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