If you’re into growing some of your own food then you know its time to start your seeds. This year instead of purchasing a seed starter kit, try saving your egg shells for a week or 2 and making your own DIY FREE seed starter kit like I did. The calcium is an excellent natural fertilizer for plants. Let me tell you the benefits and how it works.
I started by simply cracking my eggs (for breakfasts or recipes) about 3/4th way up (as opposed to in half). Then I’d pop them back into the carton and save the shells until I’d have an 18 pack or 12 pack ready to use as my seed starter. The Eggshells are used as planters for the small seedlings and are then placed directly into the ground for planting after popping the seed and starting it as usual.
Once you’re ready to plant you just make a small drainage hole in the bottom of the empty eggshell, with a pin. Now, add soil and put it in an open egg box . Sow the seeds and care for them as you would any other seedlings just like you’ve always done. The shells will provide a natural slow release fertilizer for your seed as it germinates since they’re full of natural calcium. When the seedlings are ready to transplant into the garden, squeeze the shell gently to crack it and then place it in the ground and plant as usual. The roots will push through the cracks in the shell which will decompose naturally.
Eggshells are also know to promote beneficial works in garden and keep away slugs and some other pests.
Now we’re a home school family so if you wanna turn this neat little project into an educational activity here’s all you need.
- Seeds
- Ruler
- Paper for your graphing chart
- empty egg shells in a carton (like you see above)
For older kids it’s time for math probability questions, making up a questions to prove or disprove using the scientific method and other experiments.
For younger kids its time to plant a seed and learn some new vocabulary words like germination, sprouting etc and measuring and recording on a chart or on a calendar by day. Oh and don’t forget the 3 things all living creatures need for growth – sun, water, nutrients. This activity makes for a great lesson!
I’ve created a FREE google docs germination lesson for you below.
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