Famous Mothers in the Bible – Mother’s Day is a time for me to reflect on the past year and evaluate my future goals as a mother. I like to remember the Famous Mothers in the Bible and read the biblical stories of these famous and not so famous women. These women can give us all inspiration as mother’s and also help us to remember that our mothers are real people with real lives and real problems. Sometimes as we grow up and move into adulthood we forget that our moms were just trying to do their best, just like we are now.
Sarah is the champion of women everywhere who struggle with infertility; the woman who waited on God to bless her with children is an example for me of patience and sometimes impatience as I wait on God to answer my prayers. Rebekah is another mother who had to wait on God to be blessed with children, but she forgot to wait on God to bless her children; in my determination to see that my children receive the blessings I desire for them it is helpful for me to see what can happen if I push past God to make things happen in my own strength…sometimes it is hard to wait!
Jochebed is a famous mother in the Bible who seems to go unmentioned because her daughter Miriam seems to steel the limelight, but little Miriam had a mother who was a good teacher; Jochebed and Miriam worked together to face serious danger in order to save the life of Moses and then Jochebed lived in the house of danger to be part of her son’s life. Thankfully, I don’t face those kinds of dangers in order to mother my children, but this woman reminds me to take courage when I face adversity which comes in many forms for me and you as mothers.
Rahab may seem like an odd choice to emulate as a mother, but she risked everything to save her family and then she gave birth to the kinsman redeemer who saved the next generation; I have a profound influence on my children that goes beyond my instruction. And finally, Ruth is the picture of perfection in loyalty and obedience who married that kinsman redeemer; the story goes on and on as we influence generation after generation. I hope you find strength, courage, and enlightenment as you read the stories of these famous mothers in the Bible.
5 Famous Mothers in the Bible
- Sarah (a woman of Obedience) – Mother of Isaac & the Nation of Israel (Genesis 11-25, Isaiah 51:2, Romans 4:19, Romans 9:9, He 11:11, 1 Peter 3:6)
- Rebekah (a woman of determination and deception) – Mother of Esau & Jacob (Genesis 22:23, 24, 25:20-28, 26:7-8, 26:35, 27:5-15, 27:42-46, 28:5, 29:12, 35:8, 49:31, Ro 9:10)
- Jochebed (a woman of courage) – Mother of Moses (Exodus 2, 6:20, Numbers 26:59)
- Rahab (a woman of Faith) – Mother of Boaz (Joshua 2:1-24, 6:17-25, Matthew 1:5, Hebrews 11:31, James 2:25)
- Ruth (a woman of Loyalty) – Mother of Obed (the book of Ruth & Matthew 1:5)
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