Back To School Poems
Here comes school again. The time most of our kids dread, even home school kids dread it. However it doesn’t have to be totally awful. Here are a few back-to-school poems to help get your kids back into the mood for school this fall.
School begins once again, the dreaded time of homework and dead-lines, but it need not be awful nor absolutely dreadful. Just remember the good things that come with school: fun clubs, interesting school subjects, and plenty of time to spend with your friends. Remembering the good things, can make school be just as fun as summer vacation.
Summer has ended, school rears its head once again, kids flock back to the once empty halls to fill them with life, laughter, and fun. Schools don’t need to be a bore, nor a chore. It can be enjoyable if you let it be. Don’t push the homework, and don’t ditch the deadlines. Do what you can to make it easy on yourself, while you have fun at the same time.
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