In the year 1992 Disney released the block buster hit Aladdin that had ever girl wanting to be Princess Jasmine. Books, rides at Disney World, costumes, and all sorts of Aladdin paraphernalia were quickly to follow this beloved film where love conquers evil. When I read about a new release, a non-animated version, I wondered how Disney was going to pull it off!
Well not only did Disney pull it off but I’d be willing to bet that this Halloween Princess Jasmine will once again be the number one costume choice! I’m sure all sorts of new fun clothes that inspire females everywhere will be developed from this blockbuster re-make.
When you see the film you’ll have all of the scenes that you loved before because Disney follows the story line really well but in the new re-make, Princess Jasmine takes on a bit of a stronger role, ready to take on the world and she wants to be heard! I absolutely LOVED the “Speechless” song that was added into this new version. It was so inspiring sending out a strong message that women/girls aren’t just there to look pretty and keep quiet! Wow, it give me goosebumps just thinking about how the princess belted out those notes! Very well done.
Okay so you’re probably wondering about the genie by now…. That was my big concern; How was Will Smith going to fill the shoes of the prior genie played by Robin Williams? Well with out spoiling it for you I will say that you won’t be disappointed. Genie gets a little romance in this movie with a very happy ending and still gets to have fun with the prior scene hits with the songs Prince Ali and Friends Like Me. Absolutely fabulous and fun and full of all sorts of spell binding special effects and charisma.
Aladdin gets 5 stars from Family Finds Fun! Time to hit the theater! ☺
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