Several readers have posted on Facebook and and sent e-mails to me that they’ve had problems using coupons at ACME. Mostly the Centreville, MD ACME but some of the readers had issues at other ACME stores. I have e-mailed the company and posted on their Facebook wall to address the concerns. Specifically, at the Centreville, MD ACME shoppers are being held up in the line while cashiers are told to read every coupon to see if it says “do not double” and they are told NOT to double that coupon for the customer. The ACME coupon policy does that state that they will only double coupons that do not state “do not double” and previously they doubled all coupons up to 99¢ so long as the bar code started with a 5 (as opposed to a 9 which will not double).
I’m suggesting that you post on the ACME Facebook wall to address your concerns. Read my post on their wall too and send an e-mail to . I have informed them that this “new” rule is not competitive with Safeway or Giant – both of which will double ALL coupons that start with a bar code of 5 even if the coupon says “do not double” – Their registers are programmed to automatically double them when scanned. ACME registers are programmed to do the same thing which is why they are now having cashier “read” each coupon.
For couponers this means a hold up in the line (time consuming) and a problem (and potentially embarrassing for us savers that may hand over potentially 50 or more coupons in a big shop). Please take the time to immediately post on their Facebook wall (remember power in numbers) and even send a quick e-mail but at the absolute least please post on their Facebook wall to let them know how you feel and that you want all coupons up to 99¢ (so 75¢ is worth $1.50) just like Giant and Safeway and Shoppers Food Warehouse & Pathmark and ALL other grocery stores that double (and many other stores too).
One of the responses I received was that ACME honors what the coupon reads which I don’t have a problem with… BUT ACME is the one that takes the cost of the coupon double – not the manufacturer. The manufacturer of the coupon (say Pillsbury for instance) will reimburse ACME for the face value of the coupon plus 8¢. ACME, Giant and Safeway etc pay for the “doubling” of the coupon to get your business and stay competitive in our area.
Speak out now!
yeah, i had that problem at walmart a few wks ago. i had 3 coupons for $1/1 tide detergent, it didnt specify what type or sz so i got the trial sz & the cashier told me that it had to be the one in the pic. i told her to forget it then , i dont want it. it happen with some other items too & then she tried to tell me there wasnt a exp. date on one cp & i had to point it out to her. i was not pleased with walmart that day. havent been back since.