I’m excited to tell you about the new mobile app for ACME! In addition to a store locator and a digital copy of the current circular deals, it also has a comprehensive list-building feature that you can sync with your AcmeMarkets.com account. If you’re checking out the deals on AcmeMarkets.com and add a few items to your online list, they will automatically pop up on your list in the mobile app. If you’re out and about and suddenly remember that you need to pick up milk on the way home, add the item to your list on the app and check it off when you get it. You can even group the items you frequently buy together into a single list to retrieve on the app, so all you have to do is text “Grab Taco Night Items from ACME” to your hubby and he knows exactly what’s on the list on his mobile app!
Check it out and let me know what you think. Do you think its helpful? Will you use it? Let us know!!!!! 😉
Apple App Store
Android Market
Amazon App Store
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