We have a seminar scheduled for Saturday April 16th at 11:30am. The seminar is about 2 hours and a half hours. The cost is $12.00 per person payable at the door or in advance (limited seating) however you’ll need to RSVP by 12Noon the day prior if at all possible so I have supplies and materials ready for you. Seating is limited at this location so I’d suggest you pay and RSVP in advance to reserve your space.
You will leave knowing how to dramatically slash your budget right away!
If your family is in serious financial need and paying for this seminar would cause financial hardship to your family, there is no charge to you for attending. Kindly contact me in advance via the contact navigational bar above. You will still need to RSVP.
If your group or organization would like to book an event, please let me know the anticipated number of participants along with possible dates and times. Bring a pen or pencil – I’ll supply a folder with already prepared notes from my power point presentation.
If you are already couponing, please feel free to bring your coupons and trade during the presentation.
Each participant will receive:
FREE products that I obtained at no charge to me through couponing
A folder with the power point presentation for note taking
There is quite a bit of material to cover so be prepared to start at 11:30am – Doors will open at 11am so please arrive and register and take your seat. You may like to arrive a few minutes EARLY. If you have previously attended one of my seminars you are welcome back at at no charge. Bring your folder.
Seminar Address:
360 Frontier Ave
Morgantown WV 26505
Hope to see you there!!!!!!!
There is also a seminar scheduled through the Queen Anne’s County Arts Council in Maryland on April 2nd.
My lecturer was speaking about this idea just final week. I really should get back again to operating on my engineering management assignment as opposed to studying blogs – I despise homework assignments but I appreciate the net LOL
Hi, I am new to couponing and looking for something that is close to me in Elkins WV. Can you let me know what sites are available in my area. Thank you in advance.
I don’t – sorry! I have done a seminar in WV in the spring of this year and I’d be happy to come back if you can get a group of people together!
was this for 2011, or 2012? cause id love to attend
Tiffany – it was 2011. I’ll be having a seminar in the spring in Anne Arundel Co Maryland – near the Annapolis area and I’ll post where as soon as the date is final. I do travel if you have a group that would like me to come speak and give the seminar, however!
to rsv this seminar in Morgantown,WV how?