I’ve received e-mails from some readers about how fast deals seem to come and go. In the new age of computers and high speed Internet I think it is so very true! Sometimes bargains and freebies are only available for several hours or 1 day and sometimes they are available all week. The best way to make sure you “catch” the bargains that are best for you and your family is to have a Facebook account and “like” Family Frugal Fun, sign up for the e-mail alerts – they come out once a day usually around lunch time, and to click on the site regularly. You’ll also want to sign up for our You Tube Channel. If you are a visual “gotta see it” kinda learner these videos are simple, easy to understand, and can help you navigate the stores to save BIG! Keep couponing and living frugally! It really will change your life for the better!
I was so discouraged today because Walgreens would not let me get in on the Pediacare deal. I had 2 pediacare and 3 ajax. I handed them the manu coupon $3/2 then two $5 circular coupons then the $3/1 ajax. She said the total was 5.02. What did I do wrong? I could really use the pediacare because I have a 5 month old, but I didn’t get it and walked out without anything.
I’m not sure – can you spell out exactly what coupons? At Walgreens they will only allow 1 coupon for each purchased item… I didn’t do the Walgreens match ups this week so let me ask Beth to respond. I was planning to do that deal on the Pedia care but I didn’t make it out today….
Hi Annie, I am sorry that you had a hard time at Walgreens today. I think that you didn’t have enough items to absorb the overage for the Pediacare. You didn’t mention how much the Ajax was? I will try and get out today (it’s 1:30 am right now :)) and do this deal and see if it works for me. If you want to try again make sure that you have enough to cover the almost $3.00 in overage ok and I will let you know how I do. Thanks Annie
Hi Annie .. I did the deal today..It was funny that they had no Ajax for me to buy nor did they have the “cheaper” Pediacare .. I did the deal with the higher priced Pediacare and bought 1 Jimmy Dean Breakfast bowl and gave a $0.55 coupon on top of the (2) $2./1 coupons and the $5./1 Walgreens In/Ad Circular coupon and I paid $1.40..Maggie is supposed to see if her Walgreens had the $5.99 Pedicare but I think it goes back to what I said before. You didn’t have enough product to cover the overage. Please try again and add 4 Ajax this time :)..Let me know how it goes for you. Beth
Hello Annie – I was able to do the deal today with no problem with the infant PediaCare Drops for $5.99 each. It gave me $1.00 in coupon overage that I applied toward Eggs – 1 dz is just $1.49 so only 49¢ with overage and I also purchased laundry detergent. I think you likeluy didn’t have the overage covered with the ajax so next time you’ll need to purchase just a litte more. Another important tip to remember if that Reg Rewards are cosidered “coupons” in the eyes of Walgreens, be sure to absorb overage with other items, and always give manufacturer’s coupons first then AFTER they are scanned pass over Walgreens coupons otherwise the registers will beep because of the way they are programmed. Hope that helps and you are able to make it back out to the store and get in on this great deal and get your $1.00 in overage!!! Keep couponing and thanks for reading Family Frugal fun!