Have you ever found yourself frustrated because you purchased a product and it broke before you were done using all of the cleaner inside? Or sprayer become clogged before the can was empty? Or maybe you opened the box and there were only 11 when the box said 12?
When you run into problems like this with products its best to pop off a quick note to the company (do a google search if you aren’t sure of the manufacturer) and specifically tell them what happened to the product, why it didn’t live up to your expectations and then request your replacement. Its really easy to do now a days in the age of the computer. Its not like 20 years ago when you had to get out a pen and paper, envelope and stamp, and physically write to a company and mail your letter. Its a quick “contact” button on a site and most manufacturer’s want to hear from consumer – the good, the bad, and the ugly. A company would much rather replace a product then have you never purchase their brand again.
Give it a try next time and let me know how it works out for you!
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