Sounds like a funny question I know but this is one of the things I teach in my couponing seminar that most people don’t understand. Here are two tips to help you “read” coupons;
1) Follow the words on the coupon not the picture; Manufacturers will frequently show a higher priced item on a coupon for marketing purposes. For example; in the Target post here Cat food is FREE with the coupon from Good Life however a bag of cat food is featured on that coupon – the bag would not be FREE with that coupon because it is a much higher priced item.
2) Learn to read a bar code; a coupon that starts with a bar code of 5 will not be doubled – it will only be taken at face value. A coupon that starts with a bar code of 9 will be doubled at Safeway, Giant and ACME up to 99¢. Even if the coupon stated “Do Not Double” in 99% of the cases, the computer will double the coupon anyway.
For more tips like this, see my seminars link and book a seminar or attend the next seminar. Happy couponing and SAVE SAVE SAVE!