Here are the Rite Aid Coupon Match ups good through Saturday. If you are new to shopping at Rite Aid then click here to read our Rite Aid Store Guide – that will help you understand +Up Rewards and their Single Check Rebate System.
Don’t forget that Rite Aid has a coupon policy. Click here to read or print their coupon policy. I suggest you print and keep it with you when shopping at Rite Aid in case your savings are ever in question.
You may find prices slightly higher or slightly lower in your region but they should be pretty close to the prices listed below (if any different at all)
Don’t forget to watch the Rite Aid Ad Perk Videos if you shop with Rite Aid. Its a great way to save! You simply watch a Rite Aid video and get a coupon. You can use the coupon this month OR next month and you can stack another manufacturer’s coupon on top of the Rite Aid Video Value coupon to double your savings and score some freebies! You cannot use a Video Value coupon and an in ad coupon together IF both start with a 49.