Hey if one of your New Years Resolutions is to have a healthier YOU then you may be interested in this printable coupon for $3.00 off a Denise Austin DVD. I really like Denise Austin – she’s hasn’t received the publicity lately that Jillian Michaels has received but I like her a little but more. She seems a little more “down to earth” to me and real.
I’ve already said (and so has Beth) that 2012 is about a New Year and a new ME! As a mom of 4 kids is so easy to put me last and I know I’ll still be running around here and there with the children and doing home schooling but I plan to make time each day to exercise and spend some “me time.” I think doing this in the end will make me a better role model for the kids and a happier, healthier person. Since my youngest is only 2 I like the idea of exercising at home right now (as opposed to a gym). I’ll definitely need a video and music to keep me moving and I’m hoping my 2 year old will join me and we can make this fun!