Snag another *HOT* high value printable coupon for Huggies Pull Ups for $2.00 off per package! This is the 4th Huggies Coupon found today! Nice! I’m lovin’ all these great Huggies coupon! For more Huggies coupons click here.
Family Fun for Everyone!
Snag another *HOT* high value printable coupon for Huggies Pull Ups for $2.00 off per package! This is the 4th Huggies Coupon found today! Nice! I’m lovin’ all these great Huggies coupon! For more Huggies coupons click here.
This is the 3rd Huggies Pull Ups Printable Coupon for $2.00 off that I’ve found today! Yahooo! Click here and then click on “newest” or “baby” and you’ll find it the coupon! For more Huggies printable coupons click here.
Atkins – the famous diet program for low card and high protein foods for weight loss, has just released a printable coupon for $1.50 off of 2 Atkins Day Break products. They offers bars and shakes for their day break products and they have a HUGE selection to choose from. Are you planning on weight loss for the new year? What will your plan be? Beth is on a diet and she’s going to make a post about it sometime this week. She’s already lost over 20 lbs. Now, its my turn! I need to figure something out because I really need to loose about 40 lbs. Anyone up for a diet with me?
Hurry! Hurry! A new printable coupon for $2.00 off of Huggies Pull Ups by Kimberly-Clark has just been released. Use it on your next purchase! Here is another (different link)for a $2.00 off Huggies Pull Ups Printable coupon. You can print 2 coupons from each link so this is a total of 4 high value coupons!
Pull ups are an expensive transition when your little ones are in potty training so coupons like this high value Pulls Ups coupon are a blessing! My 2 year old is transitioning now and I’ll be so glad to be done with diapers and pulls ups for good! Huggies does not release printable coupons very frequently so print while you can!
Don’t forget about the Cars 2 Movie Rebate. Buy participating Huggies products and get $10.00 off of the Cars 2 movie by Disney!
Have you seen that Huggies potty dance video on TV? I just love it and it gets little kids thinking its fun to go on the potty!
– What a great idea to get kids going.
All 4 of my kids were very different with potty training – some early some late. No one particular thing seemed to work for all of them. I think the reward system you use has to depend on your child and what they like. I’ve read different books on potty training and 1 of them said the child’s reward is getting out of wet, dirty diapers but as a mom I have to say that a reward like pennies or candy or BIG praise seemed to work best for me. My daughter (age 2) still has accidents so pull ups are on the back of the toilet so she can change them herself and feel more independent. It seems to work for her but never would have for my boys! Good luck to you!
We’ve created a category just for Huggies printable coupons so check back and every time a new printable Huggies coupon is released we’ll be sure to post it! (Click Category in the right side bar, then click on Huggies printable coupons in the pull down menu)
Save 75¢ off Wet Ones Wipes with this coupon. If you get double coupons then this is a $1.50 savings off each for you Woo Hoo! Wet Ones are great for the car and road trips especially if you have kids. This is the photo Maggie sent to me on her way back driving home from Disney – now there’s occasion for Wet Ones!
You may also like to stack the above coupon with this E-Coupon for Wet Ones for 75¢ off! If you stack these 2 at a grocery store like Giant or ACME in the Mid-Atlantic Region where you’ll get $1.50 for the printable coupon plus 75¢ for the e-coupon then you should have a freebie! That makes for a total of $2.25 off!
There hasn’t been an “official release” of the coupons that will be released in the Sunday newspapers for New Years 2012 but I’m going to make a little prediction so that you can get ready. I think we’ll definitely receive 2 Smart Source, 2 Red Plum, 1 Proctor & Gamble for sure, and possibly a bonus insert of General Mills or Target or Unilever coupons. Couponers tend to get back into the savings game hot and heavy during the winter months and the corporations like Smart Source & Red Plum want to hit hard while people want to save so you can expect the coupon year 2012 to come in with a BANG for savers! This should be a paper you should plan on for a purchasing extras!
Remember that a subscription is generally your best price and the Capital Newspaper (if you live in Anne Arundel, Northern Calvert or Queen Anne’s Co (from Kent Island to Queenstown) is your best deal at 50¢ per Sunday only subscription AND the Captial allows you to order up to 4 Sunday papers per family. Call 410-268-4800 and use code FRUGAL to get this rate. If you don’t live in the subscription area for the Capital hit your local dollar store (like Dollar TREE etc) because they offer Sunday newspapers for just $1.00 when most are $1.50 to $2.50 per Sunday.
The next 4 months will be a great time to stock up on coupons to do some serious shopping and develop your 6 month stockpile.
Some readers have e-mailed that they’d like more coupons for certain items…. Click here to buy coupons for just about anything! You can buy whole weekend inserts or just specific high value coupons. I have quite a few readers that use this service and are very happy. The coupons come neatly clipped right to your house.
Check my Sunday Coupon Preview generally posted each Saturday (sometimes Sunday morning if I’m out of town) and if you see a high coupon for an item you know your family uses then that would be the time to stock up on extra papers or order some coupon from the clipping service above (they’re like 10¢ to 20¢ per coupon generally). For example; Lets say you like Gain Fabric Softener and you have a large family like I do (6 of us) and you go through Fabric Softener like water with all of the laundry in your home. Now, if a coupon is released for $2.00 off Gain Fabric Softener then you’ll want to have maybe 25 to 50 extra coupon or Sunday Newspapers to do a big stock up because that product won’t go bad and you know with your messy kids and new infant you’re sure to put the fabric softener to good use! Are you getting the idea now?
Here is what you can expect in January 2012
8th — Redplum & SmartSource
15th — Smart Source
22nd — Redplum & SmartSource
29th — Redplum & SmartSource
Be sure to “like” Family Frugal Fun on Facebook to get deals & coupons right on your social media wall and check our site regularly. Some deals are here one day and are gone hours later. I spend about 3 hours a week couponing for my personal family. Its important to be fast an efficient to save big. Remember that couponing isn’t about cutting back! Extreme couponing is about doing more, having more and being more. When you cut your budget by 50% to 75% anything is possible! Dream big and lets save together!
Click here to snag a new printable coupon for $1.50 off of Biore Skin Balancing cleaner. This is a manufacturer’s coupon and says “available at Walmart” so since it doesn’t say “redeem only at Walmart” you can use this coupon anyway internet printable coupons are available.
This fairly new line of Biore cleansers has received great reviews & includes 8 different cleansing products.
Target has released a Target Store Coupon for Biore here. You can stack these 2 coupons together at Target and get $2.50 off Biore! That should make for a good deal!
This is a *HOT* After Christmas sale. You can get these Lightning McQueen Drag Racing Lined Crocs for ONLY $19.99!! This is a savings of 43%..This deal will only last throughl 12/31 so act fast! Their are several other after Christmas deals at Crocs so go take a look!
You can print out a $1.00 off coupon for Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste and get this deal at both Walmart & Target!
Buy (1) Aquafresh Extreme Clean Travel size Toothpaste @ 97¢
Use (1) $1./1 coupon for Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste
= $FREE!
Save $2.00 off Burt’s Bees Sensitive Care Product with this coupon. With all the Christmas mark downs going on, this product may make the list & it’s a nice high value!