Back to School Routines & Time Saving Tips for Mom and Dad
Are you already thinking about back to school routines and how to manage your time once the kiddies go back to school?? I know I am! You may be thinking about how to pack lunches, prepare for the morning rush, and then for the the busy evening when homework, dinner, and playtime. Afraid they’ll all crash together with tired kids. It happens to the best of us! So, starting with your morning routine… Kids are just coming off summer break and most have had lazy mornings where they didn’t have to rush out the door. The transition into having to rush to get ready for the day can be a shock. When a busy mom or dad tries to get them ready, it’s best to not have those kid-meltdowns that we all know can happen. So let’s start with breakfast! Simple and easy is best both for the parent and the kids. (see my recipe for homemade instant oatmeal) or I love doing Eggo waffles with jelly and peanut butter or graham crackers with peanut butter and fresh fruit, depending on your child’s taste. I also love another great option is breakfast cookies for the simple reason that, if my kids think they are eating cookies, there is no argument to get them to finish their breakfast. My favorite recipe comes from the website Kooky Carol’s Kitchen Concoctions, it’s a recipe for Peach Crisp – easy to make the night before and eat at room temperature or pop in the microwave to eat it warm. The best part is that it can be made ahead of time and for an easy quick breakfast that could even be eaten on those days that you’re running late.
For more tips, check lists and ideas to get your year off to a great start see my short articles and check lists below;
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