Do you have a tween girl in your life that just loves to read? Or maybe you have a youngster that isn’t quite at the state of early chapter books but is way beyond easy readers…. Well I found an amazing set of books, perfect for girls, full of encouragement, fun, safety and musical adventure.
I know for my family, it’s hard to find books not saturated with little political innuendos that are trying to slightly push one agenda or another. Don’t kids just read for fun anymore? Do books still inspire young girls before their precious teenage years where everything changes all too quickly?
Well I found exactly what I was looking for in a set of 3 books by the most amazing author; Kenneth E. Kober
- Grace and the Musical Willow tree a Summer Adventure – this part is part of the musical adventure series where Grace and Arco meet a violin maker names, Curly. Then, they learn about the wonderful things that happen as you compose songs, play instruments, sing, and just listen to all kinds of music. Joy – you find joy!
- The Musical Adventures of Grace – My favorite in this series where Grace explores and experiences the gift of music.
- Grace & Friends A burn Prevention/Fire Safety Activity Book – This is a cross between a book and a workbook and is the perfect fun way to explore safety getting kids ready for real life. Think fire safety, cooking etc.
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