Just wondering how some of your families will celebrate the New Year and I wanted to share a tradition at our home….. Every year on New Years Eve or New Years Day we light a fire in our outdoor fire pit. This fire is a special fire and we have some really awesome family time sipping on hot cocoa. We go around the circle and say what our “defining moments” were in past year. A defining moment is any event or person or thing that changed you (good or bad) for the rest of your life. Afterwards we have a note or letter we’ve prepared with any past grievances or things we need to get rid of like regrets, anger etc and each of us burns it for our own symbolic representation of letting go of the old and bringing in the new. Even little ones can draw a picture and throw it in the flames if they cannot express themselves with words. When my son was 2 and a 1/2 he drew any angry face of someone that took a toy! (You never know what you’ll hear from kids!) We finish the event with what we are most grateful for in the past year and what we are excited about for the new year.
We are such a busy family and this gives us all a chance to share special insights & our feelings of excitement for the new year. I hope your family has some great New Year traditions or feel free to use ours. So Happy New Year from our families to yours! Blessing for a prosperous and Happy New Year! Keep couponing so you can save money and do the things in life that are important to you- Family and Fun!
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