Home School friends! You’ll find some practical vacation planning savings tips from Family Frugal Fun in this months issue of my favorite home school magazine – Home Schooling Today! Be sure to check it out.
Family Home School Project – How to Build a Greenhouse
Today we officially started our Family Home School project of building a greenhouse. I’m really excited! This is our 1st official “family style home school project” but we like the idea so much that we already have the second project chosen. 1st step for today [Read more…]
Home School Vs Public School – Deciding to Remove Your Child From Public School
Around this time of year I always hear from parents or friends and even family about removing their child from public school. Again it sparks the debate on Home School Vs Public School. Not everyone fits [Read more…]
3 Easy Tips to Set a Good Home School Schedule
Sticking to a good schedule is critical when it comes to home schooling and getting all of your work done. [Read more…]
Home School Projects
As a home school mom I’ve been contemplating the idea of a family project. [Read more…]
NO late Fees Queen Anne’s Co Library for Home School Parents
In case you don’t already know, The Queen Anne’s County public library [Read more…]
We are Going to Try Reading Eggs – Online Education Program for Kids
Well we’re going to give ReadingEggs.com a try for my 4 year old daughter. I’m excited! They are offering a free online trial and I want to get a feel for how my daugher likes it as well as the ease of use. It must be user friendly for mom and kids in my book. As a homeschool mom I do like to make technology a part of their education and learning as well. It’s the wave of the future and being in an online world isn’t going to change. I’ll write a review once we’ve had a chance to give it a thumbs up or down. Stay tuned……
Teaching Home School Grammer – The Grammer Police
I don’t know about you but when I was young my mom ALWAYS corrected our speech. We were raised to speak correct English. Back then respect was something that you gave to your elders and wasn’t a verb. As a homeschool mom I thought it would be helpful to make up this handy chart of commonly mis-used grammar. Feel free to circulate on Facbook or Pinterest.
10 States with the Worst Grades
When a school system fails statewide is it the fault of the child or the fault of the “system?” [Read more…]
Science & Engineering Festival Washington, DC April 26th & 27th, 2014 – Great Event for Homeschoolers!
My friend Denise just sent a reminder to me about the USA Science & Engineering Festival held in Washington, DC on April 26th & 27th, 2014. [Read more…]