Would you like to learn to shop like a pro and get FREE or inexpensive groceries and toiletries (and even toys sometimes!) every week of your life? Or maybe you are a creature of habit and just want to save money each week at the places you already frequent like your local drug and grocery store….. We have 2 new seminars coming up.
Annapolis/Eastport, Maryland (Anne Arundel County)
Thursday January 27th
Centreville Maryland (Queen Anne’s County)
Saturday April 2nd
We give a lively power point presentation and tons of door prizes at each of our seminars. We charge $12.00 in advance and $15.00 at the door unless a venue has pre-contracted with us and is charging their own fee. If you’d like to book a seminar please hit the contact button and include your name, venue, estimated number of participants.
Keep couponing – It really can change your life!
For further information click here.