Hey – If you are still working on your New Years Resolutions to get fit and healthy for 2012 you may be interested in this Stationary Exercise Bike! Sears Deal of the Day: Stamina Products Magnetic Upright 5325 Upright Exercise Bike Just $159.99 with FREE Site to Store Shipping!
If you’ve fallen short of your goals its time to get back on the train and try again! For some reason when we’re kids and fall we get right back up and keep going but when we’re adults and fall we seem to say “oh I can’t do it!” and then we stop or quit or feel like we’re a failure. I don’t know where things change between childhood and becoming an adult but its time we re-wired ourselves and always keep trying. I’m on my diet and “Healthier Me” plan and I hope you are too! Beth is doing a special diet that she posted about here and has lost somewhere around 30 some lbs now. I’ve only been on my healthy eating plan and diet since Jan 1st but I’ve lost 3 lbs (hooray!). We would love to hear your story and we hope we’ve inspired YOU!