I have the latest greatest deals for you at Safeway!
Printable Walmart Coupon – Magnum Ice Cream Coupon *New* & Safeway Deal
Safeway Deals & Safeway Coupon Match Ups Good Through June 19th, 2012,
Gold Peak Tea Printable Coupon = FREE at Safeway, Giant & ACME
Safeway Deals & Safeway Coupon Match Ups
Safeway: HOT Deal on All Laundry Detergent
I’m working on the Safeway coupon match ups now and I have a *HOT* deal for you on All Laundry Detergent!
Safeway Deals & Safeway Coupon Match Ups
Lipton Pure Leaf Tea Printable Coupon = FREE At Safeway with Coupon
Safeway Deals: Safeway Bakery Promotion
I don’t know if all Safeway stores are offering this promotion but I would assume that that are……..
Safeway Bargains and Safeway In Store Deals
I went shopping at my local Safeway (Kent Is, MD) and I wanted to share some deals I found so you can save some money! (and I’m savin’ money too!) The Kent Is, MD store had Open Nature $1.00 off coupon at the customer service desk. You just have to ask! There were also coupons next to the Newton Cookies (By Nabisco) for $1.50 off fresh produce when you buy those cookies (package) for $3.99 – not a bad coupon offer and there were tons of coupons left. Those are only I think $3.59 or $3.69 at Walmart (remember you don’t have to use the coupon at Safeway since its a manufacturer’s coupon)