There are some really great deals this week at Safeway!
Safeway In store Deals
Milky Way Bar Printable Coupon
Would you like a coupon for Milky Way Candy bars that should make it free or very close to free if you have double coupons? I’m always up for a freebie!!! [Read more…]
Safeway Deals & Safeway Coupon Match Ups
Safeway Bargains
I’m working on the Safeway match ups now and I see several nice deals I’m planning to snag this week!
Safeway Deals & Safeway Coupon Match Ups
Ok – Lets check out the deals at your local Safeway this week! My Safeway stores double coupons up to 99¢ so that means that a coupon with a value of 75¢ is worth $1.50 at my local Safeway!
Safeway Deals: Friday Only Sale
Safeway Deals, Safeway Unadvertised Sales, My Shopping trip to Safeway
So much to tell you….. I did a great shop today at Safeway and I also checked priced on a bunch of items and wanted to tell you about some unadvertised deals you can snag before the end of the sale cycle tomorrow!
Safeway Deals & Safeway Coupon Match Ups
Safeway Deals: Safeway Coupon Match Ups!
Here are the Safeway coupon Match Ups . Safeway also has other stores with similar sales called Randall’s (and others too). The sales are the same! If you haven’t seen the new Safeway coupon policy you may like to read it here. Safeway in my area doubles coupons up to 99¢ so these match ups are done with that in mind.(some Safeway stores don’t double) New here – click here for Coupon Lingo to understand these initials. At this point I’m telling people to “try” using a coupon on a free item unless they are denied since each manager at every Safeway has the ability to make up their own coupon policy. My Safeway on Kent Island and Easton, Maryland allows “stacking.” I have also used a coupon on a free item with no problem. [Read more…]