Have you wondering what the best way to organize your coupons might be? Well there are 2 basic methods of organization and I want to share with you what I personally use for my frugal living coupon plan…… Best of all – its on sale for 44% off! Well over my years and years of couponing to carry out my frugal living plan, I’ve gone through 2 coupon organizers because I was rushed and left them in my shopping cart and they were never returned to the retail establishment. Sometimes shopping with my children and multitasking doesn’t quite go as well as I’d like – you’ve maybe been there right?
Well I’ve tried many different ways to organize and shop over the years and this method is my favorite and easiest to stay organized while you’re shopping. As long as you don’t leave it in your shopping cart you’ll have it for years! 😉 Its the Buxton Coupon Organizer available on Amazon at 44% off retail now just $11.20. I’m buying one today myself. Its just like my old organizer.
Here’s how I use mine: I have my coupons organized by date. All of the coupon each weekend are placed in 1 file. I then clip the coupons I need after reviewing the coupon match ups here on Family Frugal Fun and I place them in my organizer and take them to the store. See the white labels on the organizer? Those should be labeled with all of the different stores where you shop. So you clip the coupons you need from your files, then you place the coupons in the correct store category. While you’re shopping at the store and you place items into your shopping cart count the number of like items you purchase and move that number of coupons into an empty portion of the organizer. That way when you get up to the cash register you just pull out your coupons and hand them to the cashier. This will avoid trying to remember what is in your cart and fumbling through coupons at check out!
I just clicked on the link and the price I get is 14.99. Am I doing something wrong?