Update: Rescheduled to April 12th at 6:30pm!
We have another seminar scheduled for Monday March 29th at 6:30pm. The seminar is about 2 hours with a 15 to 20 minute question and answer session afterwards. The cost is $12.00 per person payable at the door however you’ll need to RSVP by 12Noon the day prior. You can RSVP with the “contact” tab on this blog at the top navigational bar.
Plenty of giveaways for everyone from my personal FREE coupon stash and you will leave knowing how to dramatically slash your budget right away!
If your family is in serious financial need and paying for this seminar would cause financial hardship to your family, there is no charge to you for attending. Otherwise, this seminar is $12.00 per person. Kindly contact me in advance via the contact navigational bar above. You will still need to RSVP but please let me know when you RSVP that you are requesting the event at no charge. I try very hard to keep the cost of these seminars very low so that families can easily afford to come and be financially empowered.
If your group or organization would like to book an event, please let me know the anticipated number of participants along with possible dates and times.
Participants should bring a pen or pencil – I’ll supply a folder with already prepared notes from my power point presentation.
If you are already couponing, please feel free to bring your coupons and trade during the presentation.
Each participant will receive:
A folder with the power point presentation for note taking
Several full coupon inserts to start you on your way to “extreme couponing” and saving money!
There is quite a bit of material to cover so be prepared to start at 6:30 pm. You may like to arrive 15 minutes early to register, pay and sign in. If you have previously attended one of my seminars you are welcome back at at no charge. Bring your folder.
Monday March 29th
Kent Island Maryland
Queen Anne’s County Arts Council Building
Centreville MD 21617
Register Directly with the Arts Council
Morgantown West Virginia
RSVP to Family Frugal Fun directly
Hi Maggie,
I am registered for the april 2nd seminar but what time is it being held? 2:45 or 11am.
Also I was wondering if this was an error: Is it monday or tuesday?
Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church
Monday March 29th
Kent Island Maryland
I would prefer to go to this one: Its cheaper! and I have to work the night of the second!
Could you please clarify these thing for me!
Carie Eader
When will you be hosting your next class?
I have a few friends that would love to go to a coupon class but we cant find one near us. It would be in northern montgomery county md, or Frederick County Md. Are you aware of any classes in that area.
I travel!