Check out my video on Extreme Couponing. You can see my stockpile and I talk about how I vacation for FREE and you can too! I’ve simply changed my bill paying habits and I get Freebies each year. Last year I obtained $300.00 in Toys R Us gift cards which covered Christmas presents for my youngest 2 kids, $300.00 FREE in Gift Cards to Home Depot which covered painting and new trim in our playroom, and numerous gift cards for dining out which I gave away to volunteers that help my children in organizations like Boy Scouts, Civil Air Patrol etc. You can do it too! If you need more information please schedule a seminar – Just $12.00 per person for a 2.5 hour presentation! I’ll go over where to get cash back for coupons, how to organize coupons, how registers are programmed and much more! And… yes I travel!
Do u ever come to baltimore, and how do u get so many coupon flyers?
Yes – I have a seminar scheduled for Baltimore – check the “seminars” in the right side bar under “categories” – If you’d like to RSVP to that event go to our Facebook Page and click on events in the left side bar and you’ll see the next seminars.
Great video! Where do you get your stockpile of coupons? I print plenty off the internet, but I saw your pile of coupons – do you buy multiple newspapers?
All different way… My mom sves coupons for me, I get the coupons from my husbands paper at his work, and I buy papers. You can also use coupons by De De to buy coupons too! I also have 2 computers at home to print coupons and if its a really hot coupon I’ll ask my hubby to print from work.
Wow! Inspiring! Not sure about the credit card part. We try to never use them. Do you really pay it off in full monthly? We are a cash family so that is a little scary to me.
You have to really watch yourself but we pay it off every month with out fail ever! We get so many rewards. Even if you don’t want to use credit for every day purchases try just cahnging your bill paying habits to get rewards…. For instance we pay our electric bill and cable tv/satelite bill on the credit card and get rewards for them! Its really great! Just give it some thought and see if it’ll work for your family.