Ok – I have so many coupons for the McDonalds Frozen Strawberry Lemonade that its time for a giveaway. The 1st 7 people to post something on their Facebook wall that refers their friends to www.FamilyFrugalFun.com (you must leave it up) wins 5 of the McDonalds coupons. The person that was the most creative with their words and the most enticing wins 5 Smart Source from the 5/15 inserts and 5 Red Plum from the 5/15 Inserts. All coupons will go in the mail on Monday. If you are a winner you’ll need to go to the blog and hit the “contact” button in the top navigational bar and send your name and address. Once you have posted on your Facebook Wall – Post the exact thing on our Facebook wall. Thanks!
1) post on your Facebook wall (be creative and fun!)
2) copy out the post and paste it on the Family Frugal Fun Facebook wall
3) if you just don’t type fast and are desperate for coupons – do the contest anyway and tell me something exciting (I’m sitting home on a Saturday night! LOL) I’ll have my 8 year old pick a winner from those people
So there are 7 winners for quick response (5 McDonalds coupons each), 1 winner for creativity, 1 winner that just needs a break and needs coupons
Have fun and keep couponing ~ It will change your life!
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