Philly Fun Guide has something called Funsavers, you sign up and receive an email with 1/2 price ticket offers to Theatre, Dance, Museums & more… This is only available to subscribers so get over there and Sign Up already…You can find wonderful things to do through this site and what’s happening all over in Philly. They have FREE events all week long!! You are sure to find something that interests you!
This week try the Arts on South – Fourth Friday Gallery Opening & Reception or Historic Montgomery Cemetery Tours
LakeShore Learning– On Saturday August 27th from 11-3 LakeShore will have their FREE craft clinic. This week the kids will be making Honeybee Hive – Guaranteed to make a buss with kids, this made-to-be hang honeybee hive is swarming with worker bees.
The Lincoln Center for The Performing Arts. (New York City) Has Target FREE Nights. The next show is Thursday August 25th @ 8:30 pm in the David Rubenstein Auditorium. Ballets with a Twist: Cocktail Hour. This is what the Lincoln Center says;
“Witty and fantastic.” —The New York Times
Choreographer Marilyn Klaus’s clever, sumptuous suite promises to seduce virgin and seasoned audiences alike. This collection of dances celebrates cocktail culture with an irreverent pop sensibility.
Music composed by Stephen Gaboury
Costumes created by Catherine Zehr
FREE Chick Fil A For A Year!! Be the first 100 in line at any newly opening Chick Fil A and you’ll get FREE meals for a year. Click on the link to read more… It looks like fun and they take place everywhere when a new Chick Fil A opens their doors!
LowesBuildAndGrow Saturday August 27th @10am the kids will make a School Locker – Your child will love building and decorating this awesome locker! Kit includes stickers chalkboard and chalk.
Host Parties for FREE and get FREE goodies The next host parties are the 2011 Play Station Online Rewards Program & Johnsonville Pizza Possibilities House Party! 4 Family Frugal Fun readers were previously selected to host house parties! You could be next!!!!You’ll have a party featuring the companies product. They send you all the food and supplies you will need to have the party – FREE. They will also send you goodies for being the host!! It sounds like a lot of fun.. FREE
Redbox Rentals – Get discounts everyday on Redbox rentals. Try this FREE Rental on 8/25/2011 from Redbox.
The Pottery Barn Every Tuesday from 11-11:30 am is Story Time @ The Pottery Barn. Go to link to make sure your local Pottery Barn participates. This event is FREE. Kids of all ages are invited to attend.
The Pottery Barn On Saturday August 27th . The Very Hungry Caterpillar Celebration. Check your local Pottery Barn the times on this event.
Boston Children’s Museum: Every Friday from 5 pm to 9 pm $1.00 admission.
The Kennedy Center FREE shows are being offered at The Millennium Stage starting at 6 pm each night! The Kennedy Center is so beautiful inside! You should expect to arrive 1 hour early to get in line in order to get seats for your family. There is an adjoining parking garage but it is not free. Check it out and give your family a good cultural education!!!
Disney Store – The Story Begins With You Event!! Visit Disney Store for an enchanting craft activity. The story begins with you… dress up your favorite Disney Princess or create a new Disney Princess, then write her “happily ever after” story.
Saturday, August 27 from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm.. Minimum age for participation is 3 years. While supplies last. No lineups prior to 30 minutes before event begins. Event subject to change or cancellation without notice. Call your local Disney Store for more information
Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament. Check out this post from Maggie and you’ll see how to save money with a special code. Also Medieval Times offers a FREE ticket for the “birthday boy or girl” so keep that in mind if you are thinking of celebrating soon. (must show proof of birth date) This event is not free like most others listed, but it is greatly discounted.
Museums on Us through Bank of America. Get FREE General admission to participating museums, zoos, science centers, botanical gardens and more on the first full weekend of every month-just by presenting your Bank of America card. Go to the highlighted link and get all the details and the participating museums, zoos etc..
Mark your Calendars for these upcoming events!!
The Home Depot Saturday September 3rd 9 am – 12 noon. ESPN College Game Day Board!
The Children’s Museum of Atlanta is having FREE Target Second Tuesday on September 13th. Admission is FREE for all visitors who come during these special hours. The FREE tickets will be available at the museum starting @ 1pm during each Target event. FREE Second Tuesday, and the museum will close at 7 pm. The FREE tickets are issued on a first come first served basis as museum capacity permits. Once the museum reaches capacity, tickets are only issued as capacity in the museum becomes available. Reservations are not accepted.
Children’s Museum of Richmond Virginia – August 30th 5-7:30pm is 30¢ Kids Day – Join the Children’s Museum on Tuesday, August 30th at CMoR Central for a fun performance by the Bent Theatre Improv Comedy troupe from Charlottesville, VA.
Children’s Museum of Richmond, Virginia – September 16th from 5:00-7:30 pm is $1.00 Target Night. Enjoy all the museum has to offer at a reduced price. Show up early this is for first come basis and it fills up fast.
Michael’s Saturday September 3th @ 10am-12 noon.Grandparents Day Card Event. This is a FREE Make-it-Take it event. Wish the Grandparents a joyous day with these handmade cards!
The Franklin Institute September 21st – Enjoy FREE admission and a FREE Imax movie in heart of beautiful Philadelphia! This is an awesome science center!!
Lego Stores. com On September 6th. Kids will make a Scarecrow Mini Build!!
Visit your local LEGO Store on the first Tuesday of every month and you can learn how to build a cool mini model, like the one you see above – for FREE! Quantities are limited and offer is good while supplies last only. One free per child. Event is open to children ages 6 to 14 only. See store for more details. Arrive 1 hour to 1.5 hours early. NOTE: Make sure you go online to find the nearest LEGO store near you and make sure they have mini model builds going on at that store!
Port Discovery Children’s Museum of Baltimore – Evening of September 16th 4 pm – 7 pm.. Just $2.00 for admission!
Petco – September 3rd & 4th @ 1-2 pm – Meet The Critters Ferrets!!
FREE Entrances to National Parks. FREE dates are;
September 24, 2011
(Public Lands Day)
November 11-13, 2011
(Veterans Day weekend)
For more FREE events sponsored by Target click here and enter in the nearest large city! FREE and reduced events are offered all over the country!!!
Note: Feel free to post any frugal fun happenings for your area in the comments or on our Facebook Page so others may enjoy fun FREE events too!!
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