Are you coming to “Frugal School” tonight?
You will learn to drastically reduce your budget on shopping expenses in our Frugal School! Learn great basic and advanced couponing skills and frugal living tips & ideas that will save you year round;
Grocery Savings Frugal School Workshop: Come prepared to learn how to save more at the grocery store! Plus;
- Realistic Couponing – See exactly how coupons work, how you can use them to save at least 50% on your groceries, understand your stores’ policies so you can make the most of your coupons, how to use them in an ethical honest way, and how keep all those awesome coupons organized!
- Meal Planning – Get practical tips so you can save on the discount food you’ll buy. Plan healthy meals, stop throwing food away, get a strategy down! Meal planning helps with;
- Weight loss or maintenance
- Reducing food waste each week
- Spending valuable time with family
- Getting rid of the “What’s for dinner tonight?” crunch
- Reducing your grocery budget by being more efficient
- How to set realistic financial goals for frugal living. Stop spending all of your money on bills and groceries and start planning your frugal living strategy to spend your hard earned cash on the things in life that are important to YOU. Frugal living is about having more, doing more and being more – not less. When you live a truly frugal life you’ll have more money for YOU.
- Learn how to develop a small stockpile of groceries & get realistic tips on how to save on all sorts of things in your life.
You will receive a handout of information on our seminar. Come with a pen to take notes and connect with savers in your area. Be sure to arrive early to register and take a seat. Tickets are $12 in advance or $20 at the door. Space is limited at this venue. Doors will be open at 5:30pm. Feel free to swap coupons during the workshop. ☺
Wye Mills United Methodist Church
28684 Queen Anne Hwy
Wye Mills, MD 21679
Wednesday January 30th, 2013
Event start time is 6pm to 8:30pm
Event start time is 6pm to 8:30pm
Doors open at 5:30pm
Grocery Store Savings Workshop
This was my first seminar. Really enjoyed it and learned a lot. If anyone gets a chance they really should go to one (or more) of these!