It’s that time of year again to hit your local Farmers Market. Well, this year I want to give you some ideas for fun educational ways to teach your kids all sort of things when you’re at the farmers market. This is great for home school moms or just moms and dads that want to give a head start and push their child’s education.
Farmers Market Math: For little ones just start with counting and sorting vegetables. Be sure to name the vegetables and fruits so that the children will get used to hearing the names of them. For children a bit older (about 3rd grade on up) work on word problems with real life equations purchasing your produce at the farmers market. Help them figure out the price per pound and then weigh the item and calculate an estimated cost. For high schoolers, ask them to figure price per pound, estimate the cost but add on an additional step – give them a budget for their total purchase. These real life kinds of problems will help them succeed and be more financially aware later in life.
Plant Science: Remember all the parts of the plant? Root, stem, flower, seed, stalk, leaf? Well, when you’re shopping at the farmers market challenge your kids to find each part of the plant. For instance; Celery in a stem, broccoli is a flower, sweet potato is a root, spinach is a leaf, an almond is a seed etc. It’s a great way to give a real life application to your science lesson!
i would like to win this for a friend. She is having her 1st baby and she was told she would never have one due to health issues. She is a loving and giving person that deserves a lot of happiness.
Cool ideas