I stopped by Giant yesterday to pick up a few items that were a pretty nice bargain and I wanted to share that with you. You may like to stop by this week to pick up a few of these items. I stop by 2 grocery stores each week so that my savings are always up around the 75% mark. If you’re too busy to hit 2 stores then try and solicit the assistance of your spouse or if you have a neighbor that coupons maybe you could hit 1 store and she could hit another. I’m only listing the items I personally purchased that I thought were a good deal. Remember that Giant doubles coupons up to 99¢!
Get $5.00 instant savings when you buy 6 frozen foods items
Farm Rich Frozen Foods (like quesadilla or cheese sticks etc) $4.99
Hanover Frozen Veggies $1.67 a bag
Lets Make a Deal!
Buy 4 Rich Foods Frozen items (20 – 32oz) @ $4.99 each (with Giant Club Card)
Buy 2 Frozen Vegetables @ $1.67
= $23.30
Use 4 of the $.75/1 coupon for Farm rich from here or the 3/6 SS
Use 1 coupon for Hanover Veggies from here
= $16.30 total
Less then $5.00 Instant Savings (shows up on your receipt so you know its taken off)
= $11.30 for all 6 items! Not a bad deal for 4 of those items being already prepared foods and being the 20-32oz size!
You could have done this too….
Buy 2 Rich Foods Frozen Snack Items @ $4.99
Buy 4 Hanover Frozen Veggies @ $1.67
= $16.66
Use the $.75/1 coupon for Farm Rich from here or the 3/6 SS
Use 2 of the coupons for Hanover Veggies from here
= $11.66 total
Less the $5.00 Instant Savings (shows up on your receipt so you know its taken off)
= $6.66 for all 6 items! Not a bad deal at all!
I also purchased the Dial Liquid Hand Soap on sale for $1.00
Dial Liquid Hand Soap $1.00
Use the $1./1 coupon for Dial from the 3/13 RP
= $FREE!
And… I purchased Eggland Eggs
Eggland Eggs $1.88
Use the $.55/1 coupon for Eggland eggs from the 1/30 SS
= 78¢ – Good deal for Eggland Eggs!
I never went out of my way yesterday. I was already in Easton to take my son to a doctors appointment and it only took me about 12 minutes in the store to grab these specific items. I get so many e-mails each week on how I’m saving so I wanted to share with this with you… Wondering how I feed my family of 6 people (2 of which are teenage boys) for just $50.00 per week?
wow how u do it i have family of 5 i need to know how to save too please help
Can you make it so a seminar Margaret? I don’t know where you live…. That would be the best way to understand the different savings strategies – I go over different stores and how they program their registers etc. Its really quite a bit of information and much more than just matching up a coupon with a product….