Homemade Windex: Is it time to do some “spring cleaning” in your home? I have finger prints everywhere and even worse – dog nose prints! Lol! I have learned a lot recently about homemade products, especially homemade cleaning products. They are frequently cheaper. Here’s a quick an easy “recipe” for homemade windex that works terrific on glass and other surfaces that you want to clean and give an added sparkle to.
You will need:
An empty spray bottle – this one is inexpensive and has an adjustable spray strength
1 teaspoon of dish soap such as Dawn. *Do not use the ones with added moisturizers, etc.
1/2 cup of white vinegar
3 1/2 cups of warm water
1/4 cup of rubbing alchohol
Combine all ingredients in spray bottle, and shake well. The mixture is ready to use as soon as any bubbles dissapate. This mixture will just about fill a standard sized spray bottle. Use tissue paper – yes, the type you wrap gifts in!
Frugal tip:
always save tissue from gift opening. Fold it up and save it for use wiping off your homemade window cleaner because it really helps make for a streak-free shine
Thanks for your recipe, but I’m still not clear what do you mean with rubbing alcohol !,
The kind you use on cuts for first aid.
You can get it from your pharmacy for about a buck. You can get it at your grocery store in the pharmacy section. Ask some one at the counter to show you where it is. Yiu will recognize it when you see it.