The more I stay home with my kids, the more I’m sure that homeschooling is perfect for my family. Oh I don’t need to bash public schools to come to that decision. My decision to homeschool is based on a series of things my family has taken into consideration, not any one specific thing like say curriculum for example. So everyone has their own reasons but lets take a look at homeschool vs public school.
Schedules, schedules, schedules – I love our home school schedule. I’m not scheduling trips around summer or Easter vacation when places like Disney World are at their busiest and most expensive time. I can schedule trips to relatives, Disney or just about anywhere whenever I like. We’re big on cultural education and are committed to making this part of our curriculum to show cultures, history and people all over. (See one of my favorite homeschool travel blogs
Boredom – My oldest 2 kids did attend school for several years and I found myself answering questions like, “Why do I have to learn this?” When my kids are highly motivated on a topic I don’t have to move on with the rest of the class. We can dive into the material, schedule a field trip, write a play about it or make a diorama. As a homeschooler, boredom with the curriculum means I can choose another way to teach that subject that works for my child.
Of course not all women and especially moms can be at home full time to home school – I know that. For financial reasons many women must work full time and sending kids to school is part of their day care budget. However, I believe the more time a mother can spend raising her kids, the better. The better for the kids, the better for their souls, the better for the community, the better for humanity, the better for the world! Period. I just can’t find any credible argument for keeping kids away from home longer and more frequently. It just doesn’t feel right. Time and time again I’ve heard the regrets of moms saying, “I regret that I wasn’t home more for my children.” Well that won’t be me.
If you’re on the fence about homeschooling I invite you to google a home school cooperative in your area. Ask questions and get involved. This isn’t a decision you’ll ever regret and neither will your kids. The moms that immerse themselves in the profoundly important job of raising children should be put on a pedestal and honored. Society should admire them like we admire a rocket scientist or Bill Gates. We are doing something complicated and challenging and joyful and painful and most importantly essential. And, our civilization depends on us doing it well. What other job in the world can carry such consequences?
So, to my homeschool mom friends…… Next time you find yourself answering the question, “What do you do?” think twice before you answer, “I’m JUST a stay at home mom.”
Great article! I have a 2 year old @nd I’ve wanted to home school since before I had her. It’s weird in my family, because it’s different, but I think it’s great!
Awww – I love hearing that! I’m going to be writing more about home school in the upcoming weeks and months PLUS I’m working on a book about how to create a home school cooperative in your area so please stay tuned!
Thanks for writing this post Maggie. I’m interested in homeschooling. Maybe one day I will make the jump if we can. For now I love reading about other moms’ experiences.