A couple of readers have sent e-mails this week asking about coupons. Well if you need additional coupons you can “buy” them. Well…. you aren’t actually buying them because they are FREE so you are paying a service fee for them. Coupons and Things by De De is a coupon service like that. Click here to go to her site for more information. If you have more questions let me know.
Here are some of the things I suggest after I give a seminar – This may help you in finding coupon resources in your area. (this is a clip from the Seminars tab)
Host a Coupon Party after attending my Couponing Workshop to kick start your group
Saving money is great but sharing it with a friend or two makes it even more fun!
- Bring your coupons to swap. Swapping coupons on the spot is a GREAT way to build up a stash of coupons. Different households have different needs so there are always plenty of coupons to give away to friends in need. For instance; I don’t drink coffee or soda so I’m always happy to pass those coupons along to someone who may be able to put them to better use.
- Keep it simple. Consider a potluck event where everyone brings a dish or appetizer to share. Don’t spend a lot of money for the event as this would defeat the purpose of learning to be frugal! You can even challenge your guests “not to shop” before attending and ask each person to make a dish or bring an item from their pantry to help rotate stock.
- Share your best deal of that month. The host can ask each family/couple to bring their absolute best shopping receipt. This will help encourage new shoppers to couponing and each family can take 2 minutes to go over their shopping deals, where they received the coupons etc. You’ll be amazed at how fast you’ll get into the swing of couponing when you hear about your friends and neighbors scoring their bargains.
- Report on helpful tips for your local shopping area. Consider assigning each family to a store and have them gather all the information possible about shopping at that store and report the info back to the group. For instance; when are fresh items marked down? Where is the clearance section of the store and when do new items get marked down and moved to clearance each week? When does that store re-stock their shelves? Does that store offer shopping perks at certain times of the year like a ham around Easter for spending X amount of $ dollars? Are there any local stores going “out of business” where you can score some rock bottom price goodies for baby shower or house warming gifts?
- Bring goodies/extras from your stockpile to swap. Do you have more soap than your family can use in the next 6 months? Too much salad dressing on hand? Did you use your coupons to score some free shampoo and have too much? Swap those items with your friends/neighbors for other items you may need.
Keep Couponing and let me know if you have more questions!
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