Well most of you that know me or read this blog know that I’m big on charitable couponing and giving and that I have a pet project about couponing for charitable causes. Well I have a donation to make of games and food and I need a charity!
I’d like to make the donation somewhere in the Anne Arundel County area, or Kent Island, Grasonville, Chester, MD area and in addition to the food and games I have for donation I’d like to throw in some frozen turkeys that I pick up while they’re on sale. I paid $1.00 each for the Operation games (a price match at Target last night when on sale at Toys R Us), & nothing for the card games or food. That’s right % FREE!
In exchange I want to give a seminar on Extreme Couponing at your organization! The cost is $12.00 per person and FREE to anyone in your organization (like a church etc) unable to afford the fee (homeless, in foreclosure etc). This is another way that I help the community – by helping others to help themselves! You would promote the event in your weekly newsletter or church bulletin or Facebook page etc and I could help promote the event in the newspaper or on this blog etc.
Can you help me help my community? Do you have a big heart? Help me change my community with coupons….. Its really fun! Are you a member of Safe Harbor Church or maybe St. Christophers on Kent Island or St. Mary’s in Annapolis?
Contact me (Maggie) as soon as possible to take the donation and set up a seminar. I’m collecting more items for my donation each week and I can’t store these things….. They must go to a good place! Help!
Well in honor of vets day….is there a charity in
the area in donations to military families who’s parents are serving our country.
I don’t know of one …. Hopefully someone will come up with one since I’ve made the post. Thanks