Well I’m so excited to announce that I’m going to be getting i-Lipo treatments. I’m finally putting me 1st after 4 kids. I had treatments scheduled this past summer but I came down with mononucleosis in August and spent about 6 weeks bedridden and in the hospital twice. My entire world was turned upside down! Well I’m finally back to normal and I’m ready to get my body back so I’m heading to the office of Dr. Patrick Callahan in Chestertown. I’ll be writing a review of my experience here on Family Frugal Fun every Monday. I’m going to “put myself out there” by sharing my inches lost, office experience, and more. Follow along on my journey – I’ll even make a board on Pinterest for i-Lipo as well as a video with final before and after images so you can judge this non-surgical, fat reducing therapy for yourself.
I would love to have this done and think it’s great!
I’m very excited! There is only 1 office that has the i-Lipo machine on the Eastern Shore but it’s a quaint friendly office – Dr. Patrick Callahan in Chesterown. After taking care of 4 kids I’m ready to do something for myself! If you’d like to follow along I’m planning to write about my story every Monday. I’ll be getting 3 to 4 treatments per week with the exception of this week where I’ll only get 2 since I’m just starting. Let me know if you have questions – I’ve done quite a bit of research before making this decision!
I am impressed with this treatment, and yes I am envious. I have been hunting a provider in my area and have found nothing. Can you direct me to a provider listing or does your provider have a listing f o r southwestern Virginia or north Tennessee area?
Thank you
Go to ilipo.com and I believe there is a provider directory there…
There is only 1 in my area so I completely understand your frustration is seeking a provider. I think the machine itself is rather expensive so only providers willing to invest in the machine can be found.