Week #8 – I’ve been keeping a chronicle of my i-Lipo treatments for women everywhere.
Cosmetic procedures are so “hush hush” that I decided that we needed to bring it out in the open so I decided to make a chronicle of my journey trying to get my body back after 4 kids. We all want to feel beautiful but many of us (me obviously included) don’t exactly feel beautiful anymore after our bodies have gained weight, taken on stretch marks and become mis-shapen after having kids. I love my kids and never regret having them but lets face it – I don’t look the same after having them!
Well this is week $8 in my series. If you’d like to follow along from the beginning go here and scroll down to week #1. I’ve even posted previous before and after images so you can see what you think about the treatments. I’m going to a small office in Chestertown at the hospital complex. The office is the office of Dr. Patrick Callahan. The treatments last just 20 minutes and are completely painless and non surgical.
I’ve gone from a size 16 to a size 14. My waist was 37″ when I started and I’m not 32 – 33″ – I’ve definitely gotten back an hour-glass look! As we age that beautiful womanly hour-glass looks tends to go away and that was exactly what I wanted to regain and I’m so pleased with the results!!!
This last week I’ve been working on my hips (I’ve mostly worked on waist before this) and I’m at a 41.5″ hip now! Yahoo! Finally! I started at a 44″ hip. Keep checking back each Monday to read my review and check out my video (it’s short) showing how i-Lipo works!!!
Hi Maggie,
I have only watched your first video about i-lipo, and have read your comments that you’re losing inches, etc… but my main goal would be to get rid of cellulite on the front and back of my thighs/butt. Would this treatment achieve that? Thanks!!!
Yes – depending on the severity of the cellulite you may need more sessions but it does get rid of it. I was very pleased with the results considering I didn’t have to go with surgery or have a down time away from my children.
How many treatments did it take before you saw 1 inch loss?
How many treatments did you do total?
I lost track of my total number of treatments. I guess I could ask the Dr office, however. I had to quit, although VERY happy with results because my mother had a stroke and needed care. You can reasonably expect to loose 1″ in 6 to 8 treatments (that means 6 to 8 20 minute treatments)
Did you see any results after three treatments? There is a Groupon for three of them and if I could lose an inch or just smooth my tummy some with them I would be stoked!
Hi Maggie,
I appreciate that you documented your I-lipo journey. Now that it has been many months since your treatments, have you gained the inches back? Are you eating well and exercising? Maybe you could do an update.