You definitely want to sign up for JCPenney coupons and text coupons! At some point between now and Christmas you’ll be heading out to the mall to do Back to School shopping and cold weather clothes shopping for kids that have outgrown last years outfits. JCPenney releases some great coupons. I’ve seen $15.00 off of $25.00 and even a coupon for $10.00 off any $10.00 or higher purchase making for some freebies! Don’t pass this up! If you wait to look for coupons when you “need” an item you’re much more likely to have to pay full price and get frustrated! Click here (its a FREE quick sign up). I get e-mailed coupons and text coupons from Penney’s as well. Wondering how text coupons work? You just show the text to the cashier.
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