If you are ready to take your couponing to the next level then you’ll want to register with Maggie for a Learn to Extreme Coupon Seminar! She’s been featured in the on line edition of All You Magazine, Good Morning Delmarva, & voted Baltimore’s Most Valuable Blogger 2011. We cover;
Beginner and advanced techniques
Insiders guide to CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Walmart & Target
How to get cash back when using coupons
Ways to slash your grocery bill by 50% to 75% (… and more!)
You can attend Monday January th at 6pm (SHARP):
Greensboro Baptist Church
401 West Sunset Avenue
Each in depth seminar is 2.75 hours and ends with a question and answer session. The fee for this seminar is $12.00 per person and will be collected at the door. Please arrive early to register and take a seat! I will start at 6pm since its a school/work night for many of you (15 to 20 minutes early arrival to pay and take a seat, please)
Feel free to trade coupons before and during the seminar. Please bring a package items or canned food the local pantry!
If you would like to book a seminar for your group or organization please contact Maggie here. You can turn the event into fundraiser and collect food for Christmas baskets, or sell food at the event or charge a little extra to cover room fees or a special event for your youth group.
Hi, I’ve been looking for these classes and this came up as a hit on google. But I see there is no date.. has this passed?