Here are a few bargains I was able to find on magazines. The fire sale says it’s “today only” with limited quantities available so if you’re interested you’ll need to act fast. These are pretty good rates. I found several other “discount” sites where ESPN was $9.97 for a year (no bargain to me!). Parents the Early Years and Parenting sometimes carry a few coupons too.
ESPN Magazine (w/ Free Insider Access) $2.99/year with coupon code 1143
Golf Digest Magazine $2.99/year (up to 3 years) with coupon code 1804
Glamour Magazine $3.99/year (up to 3 years) with coupon code 7497
Parenting (Early Years) Magazine, 2 years, $4.99 with coupon code 9902
Parents Magazine, 3 years, $5.99) with coupon code 7735
Save 15% off most other magazines with coupon code HOLIDAY15
LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE | Deals Expire on or before Monday December 20, 2010 at 11:59:59 P.M PST
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