New here? We want to make sure you understand how you can use this blog to save a ton of $money…. I’m Maggie and I post on this blog with my best friend since age 12, Beth. I live in Maryland and Beth lives in Florida and we cover deals all over the USA. Bargains come and go quickly in the on line world so if you know its an offer you’ll use you should act quickly. For example a buy 1 get 1 FREE Facebook coupon for juice becomes available – PRINT IMMEDIATELY!
When you’re signing up for all these great new offers it is important that you set up a new e-mail for all of your deals, newsletters and offers – That way you’ll check your new e-mail when you have time to coupon and bargain hunt and these offers won’t get lost in your personal e-mails and you can coupon and deal seek when its convenient for you.
In the footer of the blog you’ll find helpful tips and tricks for couponing and saving. If you are a visual learner you’ll want to subscribe to my You tube Chanel for some simple, easy to understand guides to stores, coupons, shopping & frugal living. Beth and I are extreme couponers and stockpile everything possible when its FREE or just pennies. We suggest you do the same.
You may also like to consider an Extreme Couponing 101 Seminar. I have 2 on the books and 1 in the works and they are all well worth the drive! I go over how registers are programmed in various stores like Walgreens, Safeway, Walmart, and ACME. If you take my seminar, which is a power point 2.5 hr lively presentation you’ll save 50% immediately and as you gain confidence and follow this blog you’ll save 75% and sometimes even 85%! No joke! Couponing and frugal living really does change lives!
April 2nd Queen Anne’s Co Arts Council,
Centreville MD 21617
April 16th 11am
Morgantown West Virginia
Date in discussion – April/May
Annapolis Maryalnd
I charge $12.00 per person for the seminar but some groups that book them charge a higher fee as a fundraiser (like the Queen Anne’s Co Arts Council) If the money is paid directly to me and you are unable to afford the $12.00 you are welcome at no charge (contact me in advance). My goal is to help families everywhere save money to live a better life and do the things in life that are important to them…..Family and FUN!!
Couponing and frugal living is a fun way of life! I get FREE hotel rooms with rewards Visa cards, free birthday offers (tons of them) when a family member has a birthday and last year thanks to my Discover card I didn’t pay for toys since I had several hundred in gift cards for Toys R Us! Welcome! We are glad you are here!
I just found you on youtube and now your blog. I wish you could come to Texas. I just started extreme coupon use about 1 month ago and would really like to learn how to get at least 85% of savings.
I’d love to come to Texas!!! I may be very close in July of this year as I’m looking at a conference in Colorado but I haven’t finalized plans just yet. I do seminars all over the country. My passion is teaching families how to save money so they can live a better life and spend their money on the things in life that are important – Family and Fun!. Couponing and frugal living is a committment but anyone can do it. It does take time but look at the time you spend couponing and living frugally like you are paying yourself with your savings. For instance if you save $100.00 a week now (verses before you lived frugally and couponed etc) then if it takes you 3 hours a week ot gather coupons and get it together to save the $100.00 then you just paid your family (you) at the rate of $33.00 per hour. Nice savings!
Anyway to come out I’d need you to get together a group to attend the seminar. I do a lively 2.5 hour power point presentation. I present in chruches, to mother’s groups and everything in between. Thanks for reading Family Frugal Fun adn keep couponing – It really will change your life! (And welcome too!!!)