Have you printed these printable coupons yet?
$1.00 off of 2 Rice Krispies Cereals or Cocoa Krispies
$2.00 off 2 Kellogg’s Special K Protein Products
$1/1 Kellogg’s Smart Start Cereal printable coupon
$1/1 Cheez-its Baby Swiss Crackers printable coupon
$0.70/1 Raisin Bran Cereal printable coupon
These links are not working. 🙁
Hi Jean,
You need to sign up with Kellogg’s and then go to the Promotion/coupons page and scroll down they are a little slow to come up but they do. I just tried doing this under my daughter (since I have an account) and it works so don’t give up they are there!! Hope this helps you & Keep Couponing Beth