Since I started a Facebook group for Eastern Shore Home School Families and I’m the fundraising chair for the Eastern Shore Bucks ( a home school football team for kids in high school that are home schooled or in a private school) through the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes). Well, I frequently hear the “curriculum question.” As home schoolers we’re all always talking about what we do, when we do it, and how we do it.For so many families, home schooling is a journey with a learning curve. Not all home school moms and dads are trained teachers but that is perfectly fine. We have the power to do what we want to do and when we want to do it. Now I have a very good friend that orders a complete curriculum and follows it to a “T” every single year but I don’t. Twice a year I make up a curriculum. It is hugely time consuming but I’m ok with that. Now that’s not to say there is anything at all wrong with choosing a full curriculum but you have to do what is best for your family.
I’ve developed a checklist for you to help you make decisions about choosing a pre-determined curriculum this back to school season.
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