Save $1.00 on Smart Balance Milk Zip 90210
Save 75¢ on Sokenbicha no calorie tea Zip 90210
$0.75 off a Gold Peak 59 oz. carafe any flavor

Save $1.50 on Peet’s Coffee Zip 33736
Save $1.00 on 2 La Creme Coffee Creamers (and then apply for the TRY me FREE Rebate offer to make them FREE) Zip 33736
Save $1.00 on 9 Kern’s Cans Zip 33736
Save 75¢ on Smart Balance Milk Zip 33736 (this is more valuable in the Mid-Atlantic region where we get double coupons because it is worth $1.50)
Save 55¢ on any carton of Cool Juice Zip 33736
Save 75¢ on La Croix Sparkling Water Coupon Zip 33736